Hi, my name is Fuzzy Gerdes and this is my new blog. Might as well start out with a little blood, eh?
When I was a kid, we moved around fairly often for my dad's job; I think we averaged about 4 years in any one place. I moved to Chicago in 1999 and when I hit eleven years here, it was the longest I'd ever lived in one place. I love the city, I love the clean design of our flag, I love tattoos, and I also felt like I had accomplished a series of things that, like the meanings behind the Chicago Flag's stars, merited my own checklist (meeting and marrying my wife, producing an improv show that made the year's "best of" lists, going from the proverbial "couch" to finishing the Chicago Triathlon in two years, being awesome). A Chicago Flag tattoo seemed like a no-brainer.
Mine is a band that goes all the way around my left forearm, with the stars equally spaced all around. I narrowed the blue bands from their proper proportions simply because I didn't feel like I wanted thick blue bands there. I went to Tine at Speakeasy Tattoo in Wicker Parker (owned, nicely enough, by Patrick Cornolo who did the first tattoo I ever got in Chicago).