
Chris Chicago Flag and New Mexico Sun tattoo

I ran into Chris at Twisted Spoke and asked him a few quick questions about his bold Southwest-flavored Chicago flag tattoo.

CFT: Is that a New Mexico Sun?

Chris: It is. I was born there.

CFT: How long have you been in Chicago?

Chris: Just over twelve years.

CFT: What made you decide to incorporate the two? Is the water also symbolic of other places?

Chris: No, this [the blue shapes] is just abstract. Definitely everyone thinks it’s water. I just wanted some abstract blue there.

It’s just the two places that feel like home to me and made me the way I am.

CFT: Where did you get it done?

Chris: I got it done at Uptown Tattoo Factory.

CFT: Thanks so much.

Chris Chicago Flag and New Mexico Sun tattoo

Chris Chicago Flag and New Mexico Sun tattoo

About CFT

We love all sorts of Chicago-related tattoos and love interviewing the people who have them. If you've got one or know someone who does, please let us know at to arrange an interview.

If you just want to send in a photo, we always love to know:

  • What is about Chicago that made you want to get your tattoo?
  • Where did you get it done?
  • May we use your full name on the site?
  • If possible, we'd love to see a photo of you and not just your tattoo. Check out some of the interviews on the site to see what we mean.

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This page contains a single entry by Fuzzy published on July 16, 2017 2:01 PM.

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