Erica Johnson

Erica Johnson - Chicago Skyline and Star

Our little site was featured on Gapers Block today, which is delightful. Following that, a couple folks sent me photos of their Chicago tattoos. Yay! I'll still try and get out with my camera, but maybe I can just become a recluse and the world can come to me. We can dream, yes?

In any case, my first response was from Erica Johnson who shared this lovely skyline and star. Erica says:

Erica: I got a simple skyline and star tat a while ago and just wanted to share - I've lived all over but in Chicago the longest, and when I moved to Omaha a couple of years ago I got this as a reminder of "home". Now that I'm living back in Chicago it means even more to me.

CFT: Was this your first tattoo and where did you get it?

Erica: My tattoo artist was Mario Desa at Chicago Tattooing and Piercing Co. on Belmont.  This was my third tattoo, and I got it while visiting Chicago from Omaha in April of 2011.  It only made sense to get it here :)

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We love all sorts of Chicago-related tattoos and love interviewing the people who have them. If you've got one or know someone who does, please let us know at

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This page contains a single entry by Fuzzy published on November 20, 2012 3:44 PM.

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