I met Tom in line for packet pick-up at the Hell Run, just outside the city at the Hawthorn Racecourse in Cicero. (You can tell it was before the race because he's still clean.) I really like the way the flag is complete on one side, but the blue bars extend all the way around to background the Bulls logo.
CFT: So, you love Chicago.
Tom: Yep, grew up on the South Side my whole life.
CFT: With all these tattoos, were they all at once?
Tom: No, this was one of my first ones, the Bears one. Big sports fan, big Chicago sports fan. Gotta get my White Sox one done, though. Big White Sox fan, too. That's the Back of the Yards, Halsted and Exchange, Firefighter Memorial and the Stockyard entrance.
CFT: And then you added this one [pointing at the Flag] around.
Tom: Yeah, I added this around, I actually got this one [the Bulls logo] and this one [the Back of the Yards] done at the same time and those two [Bears, Flag] are separate.
CFT: Did you get them all done at the same place?
Tom: Yeah, I went to South Side Ink that's right on Archer and Avers. Freddy Luzon is a good guy. Does all the tattoos for a really good price. I keep going to him.
CFT: Awesome, thanks a lot.